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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pembahasan Reforma Agraria Jalan di Tempat

Selasa, 26 Juli 2016 | 17:30 WIB

Warga Desa Cot Mee dan Cot Rambong Kecamatan Kuala Pesisir, Kabupaten Nagan Raya, Aceh Mengacam akan boikot Pemilukada 2017 mendatang jika pemerintah kabupaten setempat tidak segera menyelesaikan sengketa lahan Desa dengan perusahaan sawit serta membebaskan empat warga yang telah ditangkap karena dituduh tanpa bukti melakukan pembakaran dan pengrusakan barak milik perusahaan perkebunan sawit PT Fajar Baizuri. “kami akan boikot pemilu jika pemerintah tidak menyeselesaikan sengketa lahan Desa dan membebaskan empat warga kami yang ditangkap tanpa bukti”, kata Sidiono, warga Cot Mee kepada wartawan, Kamis (28/04/2016).  KOMPAS.COM/ RAJA UMAR "MEULABOH

JAKARTA, - Program nasional pemerintah Reforma Agraria dinilai tidak berjalan atau bahkan cenderung "tenggelam", baik di tingkat pembahasan maupun implementasi. Padahal, reforma agraria bertujuan untuk mengurangi konflik akibat permasalahn lahan.

Dengan kurang efektifnya Reforma Agraria ini, ketimpangan di masyarakat semakin parah, yakni dari total 26,14 juta rumah tangga petani, sebanyak 56,12 persennya adalah petani gurem.

Hal ini berbanding terbalik dengan 10 korporasi besar yang menguasai ratusan hingga ratusan hingga ribuan hektar tanah.

"Setelah (para menteri) dilantik memang ada langkah-langkah. Mulai dari 27 Februari 2015, Presiden Jokowi (Joko Widodo) memimpin rapat terbatas untuk mendistribusikan lahan 9 juta hektar," ujar Sekretaris Jenderal Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria Iwan Nurdin saat diskusi "Membongkar Ketimpangan, Membagi Kesejahteraan, Reforma Agraria di Era Jokowi-JK", di Gedung Dewan Pers, Selasa (26/7/2016).

Ia menyebutkan, rapat saat itu menghasilkan keputusan bahwa tanah yang didistribusikan antara lain dari hutan produksi yang dapat dikonversi. Tanah-tanah ini kemudian akan dialokasikan menjadi perkebunan tebu, sawit dan kedelai.

April 2015 ada penandatanganan kesepakatan antara Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang atau Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN), Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK), dan Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi (DPDTT) terkait redistribusi tanah untuk ketahanan pangan dan program transmigrasi.

Kemudian, penandatangan kesepakatan ini berlanjut pada terbitnya Peraturan Bersama 4 Menteri untuk penyelesaian tanah di kehutanan.

Tidak lama setelah itu juga Rancangan Undang-undang (RUU) Pertanahan dinyatakan masuk prioritas Prolegnas DPR, dan terakhir ATR/BPN menyiapkan draf Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) tentang Reforma Agraria.

"Itu semua terjadi pada 2015. Lalu tiba-tiba senyap. Hampir tidak ada pembicaraan itu lagi sekarang. Perpres belum ada, kemudian rencana-rencana itu juga tidak jelas. Itu kan baru rencana," tandas Iwan.

Penulis: Arimbi Ramadhiani
Editor : Hilda B Alexander

Friday, April 27, 2012

struggle for land rights around the world

Memperjuangkan hak atas tanah di seluruh dunia

Menekan melepaskan, Roma, 25 th dari April 2012
Eropa Koordinasi Via Campesina 

Tanah milik mereka yang mengolahnya
Kami, petani, berkumpul di Majelis Umum di Roma ini 24 th dan 25 th dari April, secepatnya kami mendukung dan solidaritas untuk semua orang-orang yang berjuang untuk kesinambunganan dari tanah, itu mengakses untuk tanah dan untuk sumber penghidupan. Kita melawan itu privatisasi dari pemilikan publik atas tanah:
  • di Mali, dimana petani ditangkap untuk kerja mengolah tanah dan dari mereka yang diusir setelah perampasan tanah;
  • di Honduras, di mana, sejak 17 th dari April, 1200 ha adalah diduduki;
  • di Andalusia, di mana, sejak 4 th dari Maret, petani tak memiliki lahan menempati di Somonte sebuah areal perkebunan dari 400 ha, yang adalah menempatkan pada spekulatif dijual;
  • di Perancis, dimana 2 petani dan sebuah politik wakil adalah pada kelaparan menyerang untuk menolak pengusiran dari arena yang dimulai untuk membangun konstruksi dari sebuah bandara di Notre-Dame des Landes;
  • Di Italia, di Souza lembah, dimana petani menolak perampasan disebabkan oleh pembangunan konstruksi dari sebuah jalur kereta api route Lyon-Turin.
Ini perjuangan memperkuat lain yang pengambilan tempat sejak bertahun di Rumania, di Austria dan di banyak lain tempat. Ini petani, tidak memiliki lahan-orang yang ingin untuk menjadi petani, adalah melaksanakan teladan tindakan untuk memenangkan kedaulatan pangan. Ini tindakan mewakili sebuah Platform untuk berjuang terhadap itu komodifikasi dan privatisasi dari sumber daya alam.

Di mana-mana di Eropa mengakses untuk tanah adalah sebuah hambatan untuk kedaulatan pangan. Tanah adalah sebuah umum baik bahwa milik pria dan wanita yang mengolah itu, dan tidak satu harus menjadi dapat untuk sesuai itu untuk mereka sendiri manfaat.
Tindakan ini harus menandai awal dari reformasi tanah, yang begitu sangat dirindukan di masa-masa pengangguran, kekurangan dan penipuan neoliberal. Hari ini, ada alternatif untuk kelangsungan hidup bermartabat harus terjadi melalui perjuangan tanah, untuk pertanian keluarga berkelanjutan dan kedaulatan pangan.
Globalise perjuangan,
Globalise harapan!
Kontak: Jeanne Verlinden: +32497605884 | Federico Pacheco: +34690651046 | Josie Riffaud: +33613105291 | Fabrizio Garbarino: +393319092823
Koordinasi Eropa Via Campesina regroups 27 serikat buruh, organisasi dan gerakan petani keluarga dan pekerja pertanian dan pedesaan lainnya dari 17 negara Eropa. Itu membela kedaulatan pangan sebagai kerangka kerja untuk kebijakan pertanian dan pangan.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Note of Resistance Setrojenar Peasant

Daily activities of farmers such as fertilizing, maintenance includes watering, significantly adding to the cost of production. At first, the problem including strategic scarcity of water can then be solved by pumping machine wobilization.
Recuire handling high intensity, the daily routine of the massif.
The number of farm families Setrojenar village had 649 families landless. 624 families have land below 0.5 hectares. Only 25 families have land holdings betwen 0.5 to 1 Ha.
Beyond that there are 71 families of farmers who do not have agricultural land! The lack of land has been a problem for many family farmers or farm laborers -peasants- this.

A general overview of the villages not to Setrojenar with 38 other villages HN region "sequence-sewu" on the southern coast of farmers in particular and Indonesia in general.
Farmers with average land holdings of less than 0.5 hectares; obviously do not need enough for any family farm. Not having to deal with all the advantages of neo-liberalism.
The minimum land ownership, high production costs, low technology, have to fight the flood of imported products in the future, the implications of trans-genetic technology. Bla, bla, bla ..!
Do not add an obligation to fight the army of hegemony. The presence of soldiers with no interest; Gently replace the land that was promised prosperity, to the store "pasetran" (murder-field) threat. public safety and the environment will be risked.
Dramatical-irony village is Setrojenar 'declaration' united resistance against the army at this stage, even when all have been concentrating on the election. But no one wins the election is concerned, care to help, defend or fight with him.

Setrojenar History Farms
The history of the land "pasetran" Setro stored in the collective memory of the people in the area "sequence-sewu" it.
Kasan Simur (93 th), the population Kaibon Petangkuran, Ambal District; stored testimony historical land in the family inheritance ancestor-grandmother. Previously he and other farmers cultivate arable land, on the edge of the village until the end "banyu-salty". That is, the traditional land handed down to the water's edge. That is customary ownership is up to the edge of the sea water.
During Djiman ravine, he said, the land is minimized or cuts. The only explanation for the reason that all of this is done to reduce the tax burden on farmers. The reason for this is very manipulative suspected, although carried out by the village government.
Purwanto (36 th). recìdents Setro, right Dislitbang-AD in Setrojenar ground no more than 20,000 square meters. Land 200 meters wide x 100 meters long built since 1981 with the mutation rural land rights, plus the rights of land owned by local residents

Sunday, April 05, 2009


Why Setrojenar village against the army, in this case the TNI-AD? Is because the army, through institutions Balitbang TNI-AD has to seize the land of farmers (peasants) in the area. How the mecanism of seizure, will be explained by the fact that there is empirical.

Vìllage Profile

Village Setrojenar including one of 38 villages in area "urut-sewu" that has ocean beaches of Indnesia. Geographical position of this village is located on 7degrees 47' 25" North Latitude and 109degrees 39' 51" East Longitude. Entrance area of this district Buluspesantren in Kab. Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia. Borders Ayamputih village in the west, north of the village Bocor. Are bordered to the east of the village of Brecong and southern boundaries are Ocean Indonesia.

Knowledgeable village: 252,827 Ha. Consists of 184,185 Ha farm/settlement and because the area 68,642 Ha. The rest have 16,301 Ha of land CashVillage, the field in 1392 and another 16,140 Ha.
Total of population: 2.772 people, consisting of 1391 men and 1381 women. United in 774 families. Have recorded 240 primary school, 207 junior high school graduate and a graduate of SLA have 120 people. 2 people have a Dipl.1. 24 and 18 graduate Dipl.2 the complete S1.
Livelihood of the majority of farmers are Setrojenar: 1.177 people. And Labor: 257 people. The Particulary Labor: 155. Civil Servants and people: 38 people aswell as military/police: 10 people. Retired: 22 people and 14 people a Tutor/ Perdes. There are 111 craftmen, 64 traders, breader 4 and 3 mechanic.

Setrojenar village is only 0,5 Km from the district city. Located in the coastal areas with an average temperature of 28 degrees Celcius. Village in the agricultural sector produces some of the commodity crops that have. Maize plants with 80 Ha area of land produces 5,6 tons/Ha. Soybean 5 Ha of land with generate 1,5 tons/Ha. Kacang tanah and Kacangpanjang crops such as vegetables, sweet potato, chilli, mentimun, etc..
There are also rice field or rice commonly called 'gaga' with 40 Ha of land area and can produce an average 3 tons/Ha. Other food crops are cassava with 5 Ha of land produces 10,8 tons/Ha.

Potentìal Agroculture

Specific to land in Sandy areas along the coast, farmers are now developing a Watermelon plant in the village Setrojenar has used of 20 Ha with an average of 1,8 tons/Ha. Thìs cultivation requires relatively large capital in addition to the availability of land. Land preparation, fertilization, maintenance covering production cost. including strategical scarcity of water with pump wobilization machine.
Recuire the handling of high intencity, daily routines that massif.
Total family farmers Setrojenar village has 649 families have land. 624 families have land under 0,5 Ha. Only 25 families who have ownership of land betwen 0,5 to 1 Ha.
Beyond that there are 71 families of farmers who have no agricultural land! Lack of land has become a real problem for many family farmers or farm worker -peasants- this.

General description of condition of the villages is not for Setrojenar with 38 other villages hn the area "urut-sewu" south coast in particular farmers and Indonesia in general.
Farmer with land ownership on average less than 0,5 Ha; clearly not sufficient need for each family farm. Not to be dealing wìth all the excess policy neo-liberalism.
Minimum land ownership, high production cost, low technology, must fight the flood of imported product forward, the implication of trans-genetic technology. Bla, bla, bla..!
No added the obligation to fight against hegemony army. The presence of the army with interest there; slowly replace land that has been promised prosperity, in to a store "pasetran" (killing-fields) threat. Public safety and the environment be staked.
Dramatical-irony of the villages is Setrojenar 'declaration' united resistance against the army at this stage, even when all been concentrating on the election. But no one who wins the electìon is concerned, care to help, defend or fight with him.

History of Setro Agriculture

History of the land "pasetran" Setro stored in the collective memory of communìties in the area "urut-sewu" it.

Kasan Simur (93 th), the population of Kaibon Petangkuran, Ambal District; stored the testimony of historical lands in heritance 'moyang-grandmother' family. Previously he and other farmers cultivate the land up to the end "banyu-asin". That is, the customary land bequeathed to the edge of water.
During the Djiman ravine, he said, the land minimalìzed or experience a reduction. Only explanation for the reason that all is done to reduce tax burden of farmers. The reason for this is very manipulatif suspected, even though done by the village authorities.

According Purwanto (36 th). recìdents Setro, right Dislitbang TNI-AD in the land Setrojenar not more than 20.000 square meters. Land that is 200 meters long x 100 meters wide that was built since 1981 with built office and mess